Trial a sample of Sea Further products.
Trial a sample of Sea Further products, with a customisable second iteration.
Launch industrial scale production.
Sea Further bio-engineered carbon materials are superiorto common catalysts, increase the lifetime of energy systems by up to 3 times while significantly reducing the environmental impact.
Our first commercialized product is the illustration of our core values: quality, affordability & reactivity. The NGO+ associates high hydrophilicity and high chemical activity. The nitrogen doping provides stability, conductivity, and chemical activity to make of graphene oxide a very prominent additive.
Powder and Dispersion
Due to its complementarity with graphene oxide, we worked hard to adapt our bio-doping process to pure graphene. As a result, we managed to get notable doping and oxidation levels to graphene, turning it into a much less hydrophobic and much more chemically active material, but without excessively altering its conductivity.
The NSGO+ brings the best of our doping capability. The accuracy behind specific nitrogen and sulfur bonding forms provide the best hydrophilicity and chemical activity for hydrogen fuel cells and batteries. The chemical stability provided by the dual effect of these heteroatoms make of this variation an excellent candidate for powder coatings additives and supercapacitors as well.
Powder and Dispersion